
48,9 m2
Snadno předělat na 2 byty
G49 na první pohled
It’s often best to begin from the beginning here’s the perfect starter home or downsize.
Hrubá zastavěná plocha: 103 m2
Čistá plocha: 102 m2
Kitchen + Living Area
16,8 sqm (180,8 sqft)
9,1 + 4,5 sqm (97,9+48,4 sqft)
2,4 sqm (25,8 sqft)
4,5 sqm (48,4 sqft)
Outside length
13,6m x 3,6m (44,6ft x 11,8ft)
Smart Engineering
We have used the 2×4′ (45x95mm) materials, which is the most common and affordable structural lumber. It makes a most energy efficient wall from it by spacing it in staggered stud mode. With almost no cold bridges and 8+2 inches (250mm) of insulation, You and your family are kept warm.
We have used the 2×4′ (45x95mm) materials, which is the most common and affordable structural lumber. It makes a most energy efficient wall from it by spacing it in checkerboard mode. With no cold bridges and 8+2 inches (250mm) of insulation, You and your family are kept warm.
Structural Kit Includes
  • C24 Certified pre-cut structural timber
  • OSB3 12MM
  • Building accessories
  • TYVEK Solid (Building wrap)
  • Vapour barrier
  • Full constructional drawings
Exterior Kit Includes
  • PVC windows with 3-layer and tempered glass
  • Wooden exterior door
  • Battens for roof structure
  • Painted exterior cladding
  • Soffit and gable boards
  • Roofing material Ruukki Classic C 50 plus (includes rainwater guttering, snow guard, roof ladder)
Interior Kit Includes
  • MDF interior doors with profile
  • Finished interior cladding
  • Foundation slab
  • Insulation materials
  • Utilities (wiring, water, sewage, HVAC)
  • Interior finishes
  • Local taxes
  • Shipping costs
  • Assembly costs


800 €
Strucutral kit
13,900 €
Exterior kit
17,510 €
Interior kit
4,390 €
*Uvedené ceny nezahrnují DPH. Při stavbě na klíč může být sazba DPH 15% při splnění zákonných podmínek.

*Cena dopravy není součástí ceny domu, zpravidla se pohybuje okolo 5-10 % z ceny dodávané sady. Doručit umíme prakticky kamkoliv.

*Cena v Kč je orientační při směnném kurzu 26 Kč/1 EUR.